Friday, April 30, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

I have been neglecting my blog & it's because I have another.
I probably shouldn't mention other blogging sites on here.
But I kind of like this one better.
Not that I have any one that actually reads this but just in case anyone really cares.
That's where I'm at.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What do YOU want to do before you die?

I love this show. I would gladly join these boys in their adventure. ;)
I was inspired by the Buried Life to create my own list. I know some of them are cheesy, and some highly unlikely but hey its my list, I can wish what i wannn.
(In no particular order.)

1. Go skydiving.

2. Be an extra in a film.

3. Go on a cross country road trip.

4. Be in the audience of David Letterman.

5. Meet Michael Buble.

6. Sit in the front row of a Broadway show.

7. Go on a safari & see a giraffe in the wild.

8. Actually learn to play the guitar.

9. Have a Disney movie marathon.

10. Spend a couple months backpacking through Europe.

11. Interview Barack Obama.

12. Bake a cake with the cast of Ace of Cakes.

13. Attend an Olympic games.

14. Swim with a dolphin.

15. Go to Africa.

16. Learn to hip hop dance....well.

17. Play in an orchestra again.

18. Learn how to sew and make my own dress.

19. Fall head over heels in love & marry my dream boy.

20. Spend a week at Disney World.

21. Become a news reporter & travel the world

22. Take a ride in a hot air balloon.

23. See the members of my family that I never see anymore.

24. Run in the Chicago Marathon.

25. Live in the city.

26. Be in the audience of SNL.

27. Throw an epicly awesome party.

28. Learn to just let go.

29. Spend the day with a homeless person.

30. Spend a week in the great outdoors without any technology & REALLY experience the great outdoors.

31. Just start driving with no destination.

32. Meet the cast of The Office- & be Michael's new love affair.

33. Attend a presidential rally- get involved in a campaign.

34. Visit the seven wonders of the world.

35. Be completely comfortable with who I am.

36. Finish college & pay off all my loans.

37. Live in another country for a year.

38. Paint a painting for an art show.

39. Be in a Shakespeare play.

40. Own my own cafe/bakery.

41. Learn to snowboard.

42. Have a bonfire on the beach.

43. Talk on the radio.

44. Spend New Years in Time Square.

45. Publish a postcard in Post Secret.

46. Attend an Awards show- Emmys, Grammys, Tonys, Oscars- any of those is fine.

47. Tell it how it is.

48. Fight for a cause I believe in.

49. Have a family & adopt a child.

50. Make a difference in some one's life.

Now how about you?

ive already got one to add.
51. Don't wait until Sunday night to finish all my homework.
(Now that might actually be harder to achieve than the Obama one.)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Come fly with me....

Do you ever just want to get away?

It sounds good to me.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ohh what a night.

last night i went to the michael buble concert at allstate.
ahhhh freaking ahhh maazingg!

seriously one of the greatest nights EVER.
our seats were really good too. whenever i go to allstate i'm usually in row z of the third balcony. but we had floor seats this time. :)

naturally seven opened for him, the same group that did his last tour & they are awesome.
they are an acapella group but they do the instruments in the songs with their voices. its insane. the one guys does the drums, another a guitar, a bass, etc. it sounds like you are listening to a rock band- but its all their voices. its absolutely incredible. AND they are christian too. you tube or itunes them up- you will not be disappointed.
and then buble took the stage. he is such a fantastic performer. its great because the whole time he is so thankful for everything, and humble about it all. he gets so into his songs and is such an emotional singer- you can see how the song makes him feel. hes a jokester too cracking tiger woods jokes and showing his michael jackson moves.
in the middle of the concert he went out into the audience to sing in the middle of the arena and he walked about six feet in front of us. i about died. didn't think i would ever get that close to buble. so next time i'm hoping front row and backstage passes? then my life would be complete.
but seriously i recommend going to see a buble concert at least once. hes an amazing performer- his songs are incredible, and you just leave feeling so good. its so awesome to be able to sing obnoxiously your favorite songs WITH the singer. that's why i love concerts so much. the performers can make everyone in the room feel a certain way.

one of my favorite buble songs- everything. the whole audience flipped when he started singing it.

& here is when buble was RIGHT IN FRONT OF US & i about died of sheer happiness.

Monday, March 22, 2010

spring breaky breaky break

I found this on tumblr and couldn't agree more.
Well it's spring break. Not really much of a break though, or spring either come to think of it. I work everyday, but thankfully only evenings so I can sleep in. Haven't been able to do that in awhile which is really nice. I like waking up and not having to rush out the door. It's a good feeling indeed.
I've started watching the show arrested development and I have to say its one of my new favorite shows next to the office and 30 rock. It is absolutely hilar I really recommend taking a peak.
I have decided that I am going to buy a new camera. I've been good with saving money lately so I am going to reward myself with that. Because that makes so much sense? But I have a best buy gift card so that's going to be my justification. I've been using my dad's because mine is like five years old so I think it's time for something new. I'm thinking a nikon because I love their picture quality.
This break I AM going to finish and turn in my college app. I need to get everything figured out next year. I also need to figure out how I am going to pay for it all, but I figure I'll worry about that later. I can only focus on one thing at a time.
I see Michael Buble in exactly 4 days. I am so freaking excited you don't even know. I have been listening to his cds non stop to prepare. That way I can sing it loud and proud Saturday night. Ah I am just too excited. I love me some Buble.
Oh and I finally got one of those form spring question sites because everyone and their dog has one and I was really bored so...please ask away!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where is Your Chair?

I finally got the chance to attend a Willow service again today. The message was just what I needed to hear. Don't you just love when that happens? I sure do.

Faith and religion is something I have spent my whole life struggling with. I didn't have religion instilled into me when I was a child. I was never told to read a Bible, memorize verses, or pray to God. I went to church when I was little, but by the time I was nine or ten years old religion was gone out the window for me. I just never found it to be important.

It's been a difficult path to where I am today. I've questioned God and his existence and so many things throughout my life. Not knowing God is a horribly lonely feeling. I have never felt so alone and worthless than during those time.

But I wouldn't trade any of that to have grown up a different way. It would have been easier if I had been taught about Jesus and the Bible my whole life. If I'd grown up reading the Bible I would know so much more now right?

No, I don't think so. I've been on both sides of religion. And I made the choice- myself. No one forced me to believe what I believe, I chose it. If someone asks me why I believe something I can answer them, and honestly, because I made the decision myself and choose to believe it. It's still not easy today, and I still struggle on a day to day basis. But I know that each time I overcome and take another step I'm becoming stronger and stronger in my faith. I didn't grow up in a Christian household, but in the end it has made me a stronger person and it helps me cling to my faith.
But now back to the beginning- at church today Bill was talking about how people's view of God is so wrong. They think of God as this transcendence being that sits in the sky on his throne, and we are so separated from him. But God is everywhere. He's is the passenger seat of our car, at the chair next to us at our kitchen table, at the desk next to us at school. We can talk to him like he is our friend. And just like a friend you talk to them quite often, you make time for them because you value the friendship, you have to do the same for God. If you start taking time to talk to God and really listen you'll hear his whispers and what he wants for you in your life.

It was just a wonderful reminder that God is all around us. He's always right there with us. When we feel the most alone- he's right next to us. That just amazes me, and makes me feel at peace. I've felt far away from God lately, but I know what I've got to do now. Life is busy and hectic and sometimes it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. But its important to make time for the most important things- time with God.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Your Love is Amazing.

I always love being reminded of how much God loves us.
It really is beyond amazing.
No matter how many times we mess up, turn the wrong direction, vear off the path he's always there guiding us back his way.
There is no other love like that.
It's indescribable.